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Our Clients
Everyone we work with is different. Here's a quick look at what we do for some clients - and why our assistants are perfect for their business.

Electrical Contractor. Streamlining Finances


Client Challenge
Manually raising invoices using word documents and listing expenses on an excel spreadsheet, had become time-consuming and complicated to reconcile. As a result, managing cash flow had become an issue for the business owner. 


Implemented Quickbooks accounting software, which has transformed their financial management with an easy to manage dashboard. The live bank feed direct from your bank account and ‘match’ feature on the banking page allow quick reconciling of payments to invoices. In the supplier’s section, you can see what bills are due to be 
paid and manage cash flow accordingly.  In the sales section, you can see which invoices have not been paid and send reminders or make follow up calls.


The new system has had a considerable impact on the business and is now managed by a Purple Patch assistant for the MD, who is freed up to focus on generating new business.

Luxury Watch Trader. Inbox & Enquiries Management



A need for support on inbound emails, enquiries and LinkedIn messages, all of which were taking up too much time by the company MD.



They now have a Purple Patch assistant managing all inbound and outbound emails, replying to LinkedIn messages and taking actions as necessary.


The client is now on top of all communications, is focussed on other areas of the business and customers always receive a quick and efficient service.

Property Investor. Organisational Overhaul



Struggling to keep organised with poor systems in place across an extensive property portfolio, business was difficult to manage.



Each property now has all documentation in its own file, which is sectioned and labelled, both hard copy and electronically. All the information is ready and available when required for selling properties.


An income and expenses spreadsheet has also been created for each property, for tax year end purposes.  The client can now work productively in an organised business and focus on the business itself, not endless reams of paperwork.

Private Client. Divorce Settlement Support



Advice and guidance needed whilst going through a divorce with the information required for the settlement.



A plan was created to establish income values and expenditure, pension funds, investments, properties and assets. At a particularly difficult time for the client, their assistant went to great lengths to gather all the required information ready for the solicitor. This allowed the client time to focus on supporting the children and not spending all free time absorbed in endless paperwork.

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